Cave Art

New Book by Robert Schoenfeld


Moving From Stress, Overwhelming, Depression, Anger,

Fear, Rage, Pain, and Lack – To Love and Joy 

Dancing, Singing, Laughing, Eating, and Loving Your Way

To More Joy, More Health, More Life!

For The Love of Joy Book

Join The Billions of People Around The World in A Global Moment of Joy

For the Love of Joy
For the Love of Joy
For the Love of Joy
For the Love of Joy

This book will help you bring more Joy, Love, Health, Abundance, Adventure, Romance and Magnificence into your LIFE!


The Art of Powerful Loving

What would it feel like to truly Love Myself?

What would it feel like to truly Love My Life?

The Art of Powerful Joy

What does it feel like to be capable?

What does it feel like to be neutral?

What does it feel like to be happy?


The Art of Powerful Health

What would it feel like to have a healthy body?

What would it feel like to be financially abundant?

What does it feel like to be confident?

You may say that l am a dreamer-but I am not the only one…

—John Lennon

Join The Billions of People Around The World in A Global Moment of Joy

Creating a Better Future

At 12-noon spend a few minutes in Joy, Love, and Gratitude with millions of people around the world. This is a fun way to raise feelings of Joy, Love and Gratitude in yourself while raising the level of Joy, Love and Peace in the world.

feel the power


 Let us dream together and create lives full of love, joy, beauty, creativity, generosity, gratitude, forgiveness, personal power, purpose, courage, nobility, romance and fun. Help create a brighter world for us, our families, and for future generations.